餐廳位於Pismo Beach的downtown. 最著名的是一桶熱騰騰的海鮮整桶倒在桌上讓你慢慢啃
(Cracked crab is in downtown Pismo beach. This is a fun place, where they serve u hot steamy seafood dumped right at your table.)
Yelp 網路評價有四個星!
(4 star review on yelp)
(We waited about 15 minutes before there is an open table)
等待用餐時間 可以用餐廳提供的蠟筆和一大張白紙畫畫 感覺等餐時間就過的比較快囉!
(Kill some time with crayons and a big blank piece of paper to draw some crab...or whatever you like to draw)
(Start the meal with some sourdough bread)
(Hot butter for our crab crab)
將!將!將! 將~~~ 這就是煮餐 一大通海鮮 兩人分 $68+稅
dah la~ The main course, a big bucket of sea food for two $68+tax
兩人份的大桶海鮮可以選三樣 我們點了阿拉斯加的雪蟹和Jonas的鉗子(肉多) 還有蝦子
桶子內還有馬鈴薯和玉米 蟹吃多了會非常鹹 搭配著馬鈴薯和玉米吃就可以均衡一下味道
前子很硬 所以記得使用工具 不要用嘴咬喔! 我就是用嘴咬結果舌頭被割到了
(With the bucket you get 3 choices. We ordered Alaska snow crab, Jonas crab claws and shrimps. Order also come with corn and potato.
Alaska snow crab was tender, but after few tastes it gets really salty so have it with the potato. Jonas crab claws was hard to crack, make sure you use the tools and not your teeth! Shrimps are good while it's hot.)
(This is the Alaska snow crab!)
不要擔心手弄髒啦! 餐廳會送上一整捲的餐巾紙 和濕紙巾讓你擦手的喲!
Don't worry about getting your hands dirty! There is a whole roll of paper towel and wet towelette to clean your hands with.
Cracked Crab
805-773-CRAB (2722)
751 Price Street Pismo Beach, CA 93449
Click here for the restaurant's website.