Been in Hong Kong since 11/15, doing our annual safety training.
This time I got Paxon's G7 with me.
Back in the summer when Krystle and I had the same flight, she saw me playing with the G7.
She was totally in love with it.
Not long after that flight she got herself a G9.
For our Bangkok trip, we had fun playing with the G7 and G9.
and we found the coolest feature:
你看!! 黑白照
是有顏色的 其他都是黑白的
See! It's a black and white photo, but showing the red in color!!
你看! 你看!
^這張紅色就超鮮豔的 This one you can really see the red
好酷喔!! 拍起來很有感覺ㄋㄟ
We were having so much fun playing with this funtion! haha
不只是紅色喔! 甚麼顏色都可以
It's not just red, you can choose any color you like
^看! 藍色 Blue!
^好像是比如說選到黃色 其他顏色裡面有摻黃色的也會顯示一點顏色, 像這張菊色和黃色都顯現出來了
For the picture above, yellow was selected as the color to show, but because orange contents some yellow, so the color orange also showed.
^這也一樣 紅黃都顯示了 Same as this one, both red and yellow showed.
^就這樣邊吃飯邊拍啊拍的 We were playing with it through out the whole dinner
^嗨~ Sandy 好久不見 ^^ Hi, Sandy!! It's been a long time since I last saw you
^這張有點恐怖 哈 This one is kinda scary. haha
拍得亂七八糟的 不過還蠻好玩的
Don't exactly know how to use this feature yet, but it was fun messing wih it.
whoever knows how to use this feature must take great pictures with it.
Will post Bangkok pitures later~