目前分類:Hotels 飯店 (4)

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這間飯店非常好找 下101以後就看得到

(Seacrest resort is just off highway 101.)

內有一個大游泳池 和三個熱水池 開到晚上11點 

(There is one pool and 3 hot tubs, open till 11pm)

第一天晚上去泡熱水池 聽著海浪聲 看著滿天的星星 真的超讚!

(We used the hot tub on our first night there, soaking in the hot tube, at the same time listening to the ocean waves and looking at a dark sky full of stars)



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這次出差去參觀的是Santa Rosa的Fountain Grove Inn Hotel

舊金山到Santa Rosa大約一個小時的車程

(Fountain grove Inn is about an hour drive from SF bay area)


(Centrally located to over 300 Wineries) 


(Also there is the Charles M. Schulz museum)

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Carmel 這個充滿藝術的小城市 真是百去不厭

這次有機會去住Carmel Valley Ranch 覺得Carmel更美了

去的第一天下雨 又大霧 反正我就是個雨人 每次要出門就遇到下雨

所以已經能看開了 還可以很Enjoy這種憂憂的氣氛

(Carmel is a town with arts and personality.

After I stay at Carmel Valley Ranch, I love Carmel even more!

On the day we went, the weather was misty with heavy rain, but it didn't bother me much and I actually started to like weather like this.)



^秋天到囉~ Falling leaves means fall.

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這家Hotel 有很特別的名字 叫做The Good Hotel

一家提倡綠色環保的飯店 我們公司簽的飯店屬 Personality Hotels 居多


The Good Hotel 不但名字特別 一走進去也馬上感受到它的與眾不同




^櫃檯人員親切的幫我Check in


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